Please note that our food box service is temporarily paused. We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide updates on its resumption as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support as we work to rebuild the service.

Who We Are
Aki Foods is an Indigenous non-profit social enterprise focused on developing healthy food-based projects that promote employment opportunities and economic development in First Nations communities. In Northern First Nations across Canada, the cost of food is disproportionately high and the food quality is often of poor, we work with First Nations to increase access to healthy, affordable food, with an emphasis on working with communities to build strong, sustainable local food systems.

The Meechim Project
An Agricultural hub in Northern Manitoba
Beginning in 2014, this project would initiate the work that would set forth the development of Aki Foods as a sister social enterprise of Aki Energy. The project aims to grow healthy, locally grown food for the community and provides education and training opportunities for Indigenous youth. Projects like ‘The Meechim Project’ work to find solutions to alleviate poverty and food insecurity while creating long term employment and sustainable economic development in the community.
We currently deliver to the following communities:
Garden Hill First Nation
Wasagamack First Nation
St. Theresa Point First Nation
Red Sucker Lake First Nation
Bunibonibee Cree Nation
Barren Lands First Nation
Northlands Denesuline First Nation
Mathias Colomb First Nation
Poplar River First Nation
Pauingassi First Nation
Shamattawa First Nation
Sayisi Dene First Nation
Manto Sipi Cree Nation
Gods Lake First Nation